Home > Industry/Domain > Toys and games > Animals & stuffed toys
Animals & stuffed toys
Of or relating to toys sewn from textiles and filled with a soft material. Textiles used can range from basic cloth, plush, or leather. They are filled with materials such as rice, grain, or feathers that resemble an animal, person, cartoon character, or inanimate object.
Industry: Toys and games
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Animals & stuffed toys
jouet en peluche
Toys and games; Animals & stuffed toys
Un jouet cousu de tissu, peluche ou autres textiles et bourré de paille, haricots, balles en plastique, coton, fibres synthétiques ou autres matériaux similaires.

ours en peluche
Toys and games; Animals & stuffed toys
Ceci est considéré comme l'emblématique animal en peluche pour les enfants du monde entier.