Category: Travel
Created by: Amoke
Number of Blossarys: 10
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The site of La Margineda Archeological is located in south of Pyrenees that is a corresponding of the Jussa section but still it has yet to be excavated. Visiting the remain of Sant Viceng fortress is a bit unique experience that allows the visitor to appreciate one of the scenarios of pact signed by the two dignitaries that subsequently ensured Andorra’s existence throughout eight centuries.
La Margineda arheološko mesto se nahaja v južno od Pirenejev, ki ustreza razdelku Jussa ampak še vedno je še, da biti izkopana. Obisk ostanejo Sant Viceng trdnjava je malo edinstveno doživetje, ki omogoča obiskovalcu, da cenijo eden od scenarijev pakta podpisal dve dostojanstveniki, ki je zagotovljena Andore obstoj v osmih stoletjih.
By: Amoke